All children are 'unique'. We aim to meet all children at their point of need and therefore need to provide teaching and learning activities that develops children no matter the support they need.

Some children need additional support because they may have learning needs, physical/health needs or emotional needs.  Some children may have a combination of all these areas.  We want to support children and their families to help them make progress whilst they attend our school.

We seek to include all children in every area of the curriculum and we are committed to involving parents at all stages, and believe that their views are extremely valuable. This involvement continues throughout the special needs process.


For further information or to discuss specific requirements, please contact school on 01977 706063 and ask to speak to Mrs Lord, our SENDCO.

You can also ask to speak our Learning Support Mentor, Mrs Spellman. She works Tuesday - Friday 


SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Medicine Administration and Child Illness policy.pdf

Equality and accessibility Plan.pdf


To view your local offer please click here

Easy Read Guides to SEND click here 


Wakefield SEND Local Offer Newsletters 

Autumn 2023 


Please find the link below to the Wakefield SEND Strategy 2020-2024