Our School Day

The school gates are opened at 8.30am and children and their parents are encouraged to arrive on the school premises by 8.50am, at which time, the classroom doors are the children are welcomed into class by the class teacher. This allows for a prompt 9am start. Doors will be closed from 9:00. Children arriving after 9:00 will need to come in to school through the office and will be marked as late. 

In partnership with our feeder Infant schools, we firmly believe that there are links between attendance and attainment. 

St Thomas' Attendance Policy states that holidays taken in school time will NOT be authorised. The Governing Body of St Thomas' will be following local authority guidelines by fining families who take holiday during term time.

Leave for medical or dental appointments,  is authorised where confirmation has been received by the school office, from the parent by note, telephone call or StudyBugs.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please inform the school office with the reason for a child’s absence as soon as possible. We would be grateful if parents could contact us on the first day of absence before 8:30am. This contact can be by StudyBugs, in person, or a telephone call where you can speak to the office staff or leave a message on the answer machine. As the safety of our pupils is paramount, you will be contacted if we have concerns about the whereabouts of your child.


School finishes at 3.30pm and children can be collected from the classroom doors. 

Whole school or class collective worship take place daily. 

The total hours for the school a week is 32.5 hours.